Once upon a time and a looong looong time ago, I was hired by a brilliant Leader – not because of my talent, experience, or capabilities, but because he noticed that I needed help and a place to grow. Needless to say, I was totally unaware of this and believed that I had just been smart with my job search and nailed the job interview. I worked hard, was happy at work, grew and gained unforgettable leadership lessons. This job turned out to be a turning point in my career. Years later our paths parted, and he told me why he had hired me. I was astonished but understood how lucky I had been. And ever since I have made an effort to follow his footsteps whenever I notice that someone is in a rut or could use a little help - whether they are aware of it or not. Often a gentle nudge or a friendly chat is enough. These have become absolutely the best moments for me as a Leader.
My last blog was about the Corona pandemic and how it nearly killed my new business. Days and weeks passed slowly. I started jobhunting as it seemed my entrepreneurial days were over. And then, out of the blue, I signed two new customers and a business partner, and it seems there might be global business for me to capture after all. A major change in just two weeks. While I admire how some entrepreneurs have been able to adjust their business, I need to admit that my actions during the pandemic have not done anything for my business. There was simply no need for my services during the lockdown. Instead people proactively started returning small favors I have done somewhere along the way. I guided my massage therapist through her divorce years ago (free of charge) and now she introduced me to a major case for tangible profit. I helped two FinTechies over a glass of wine during a business trip and now they recommended me resulting a new customer and a great consulting case in Australia. A young leader I once nudged called and offered me an advisory position in his company.
The Butterfly Effect is generally understood as an idea that small causes may have large effects. In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change can result in large differences in a later state. A tornado being influenced by the flapping of the wings of a distant butterfly several weeks earlier. No matter how much I like to plan and predict, I have come in terms with the fact that many great things in my career have resulted from a small unrelated act somewhere else. A butterfly flapping her wings weeks earlier. Like the kind sincere acts that come around and save you years later.
A crisis brings the best (and worse) out of people and I have truly rejoiced observing how people reach out and help each other these days. Also in business and across the globe. And been equally sad to notice some leaders showing their true colors that are not so attractive. You always have a choice and I am rather a positive force. The MBA part of my brain says this is not a sustainable business model, but I am happy that there are people and firms who think it is.
June is showing it’s best behavior: the weather is hot in Finland, the sun is shining and not going down. I am finally working again in my balcony / home office. Maybe I just got lucky, but I have a strong feeling that I had an encounter with a butterfly and Apeiroga will survive. Next fall will be a different story, but for now, this is the good life.